2015 Records

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* SPECIAL MEETING ON PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT C140: Bayside Council heard 45 speakers, then voted to pursue C140.
* FEATURE ARTICLE ON BEAUMARIS: The ‘Domain’ section of The Age had a 2-page article on Beaumaris on 2015-12-12.
* HOLDING STREET TREE SPACEBCS Inc. letter to Bayside City Council seeks replanting for sawn-off and dying Manna Gums.
* RICKETTS POINT SIGNAGE DESIGN STYLE GUIDE: BCS Inc. letter to Bayside City Council comments on new signage plans.
* ABC1 TV NEWS: See video of leading palaeontologist, and the BMYS Ltd Commodore, speaking on marina proposal.
* CHURCH WITHDRAWS TREE APPLICATION: recent pew sheet notifies parishioners of the withdrawal of its application.
* DRAFT MINUTES OF BCS INC. 2015 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: See the draft minutes and the President’s Report.
* BAYSIDE PLAN AMENDMENT C140: Send your support here for Bayside Council’s strong move against overdevelopment.
* RESPONSE BY SUB-BRANCH COMMITTEE: RSL Committee declined to implement the general meeting resolution below.
* COUNCIL FOOTPATH CONSTRUCTION: BCS Inc. gave its views on unnecessary concrete footpaths on many nature strips.
* HEAVY TRACKED MACHINES CROSS LANDSIDE RESERVE: The Landside Reserve suffers to repair a botched development.
* BEAUMARIS RSL GENERAL MEETING: A motion that the Committee strive to retain the Beaumaris property was solidly carried.
JULY 2015
* ARTICLE IN THE CONVERSATIONProf. John Long, of Flinders University, has a fine article on the Beaumaris Bay Fossil Site.
* CHURCH DAMAGES TREE ROOTS: In the week before objections to their removal close, a Church damages roots of the trees.
* CHURCH TRIES TO REMOVE 5 MATURE TREES: Beaumaris Anglicans urged to save their 5 trees by using an already clear site.
MARCH 2015
* VCAT APPEAL FOR RSL PARKLAND: The appeal resulted in VCAT reducing the lots from 21 to 20, and saving a tree or so.
* VISUAL IMPACT OF JUST ONE BIG BOAT: Click here to see the visual impact of just one 20-metre power boat in Beaumaris Bay.
* COMMENT ON COUNCIL’S DRAFT WALKING STRATEGY: BCS Inc’s 1-page comment alerts Council to certain faults in the draft.
* FOSSILS OF BEAUMARIS: Museum of Victoria publication has fine photos of Beaumaris fossils with their names and description.
* “THE CROCODILE THAT ATE THE POWERBOATS”: Public Land Consultancy’s analysis of the marina controversy and the law
* CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY AT LANDSIDE RESERVE: Volunteers are asked to meet on Sunday 2015-03-01 as detailed here.
   FEBRUARY 2015
* VCAT’S 2ND REFUSAL FOR 1 NAUTILUS ST: The same developer, again seeking 3 three-storey dwellings, was refused a permit.
*  FOSSIL SITE: Over 1,000 people attended Prof. Tim Flannery and others‘ talks on the Beaumaris Bay Fossil Site in February 2015.
* CHANNEL 7 NEWS ITEM ON MARINA PLAN: Peter Hitchener reports on the BMYS Ltd marina controversy for Beaumaris Bay.
* STATEMENT BY U.S. PALAEONTOLOGY SOCIETY: The Paleontological Society supports protecting Beaumaris Bay Fossil Site.
* ARTICLE ON FOSSIL EVENT: The Age on Friday has an illustrated article on the Fossil Site before the Fossil Event above.
* NEW WEBSITE OPPOSES MARINA: The website nobeaumarismarina.com is opposing the Beaumaris marina.
* PROF. JOHN LONG’S LETTER: Society of Vertebrate Paleontology warns of marina’s threat to the Beaumaris Bay Fossil Site
* ROYAL SOCIETY OF VICTORIA SUPPORTS FOSSIL SITE PROTECTION: position statement by this long established scientific society stresses the need for Victoria’s Govenment to protect the internationally important Beaumaris Bay Fossil Site.
* BAYSIDE WEEKLY REVIEW ARTICLES ON FOSSIL SITE: Articles report views of Professors Tim Flannery and John Long.
* BMYS OPEN DAY: Motor Yacht Squadron’s Open Day to explain its marina proposal, on Sunday, 01 February 2015, 10 am – 2 pm

To view news for other years, go to Records.

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