Members Click on the MENU OF MAIN PAGES HERE or a blue hyperlink of interest.
Electronic Funds Transfer for payment of Membership Fees, Donations, etc.
Membership Application Form There are two copies of the downloadable form, so please complete, and email or post us one, and give the other to a friend. See next line below for EFT payments.
Indigenous Flora Registration Form: (to let Beaumaris members tell BCS Inc. of indigenous plants on or near their land, so it is aware of changes over time in their overall extent)
2007 Brochure introducing Beaumaris Conservation Society Inc.
Constitution, which includes the Aims and Objectives of the Society, and Regulations
The Patron of BCS Inc, Mr Rob Gell
Committee of Management of BCS Inc: It consists of the 5 Officers (the Executive Officers) and the 4 Zone Leaders.
Returning Officer: Mr Peter Russell, Tel. 040 563 2864
Former Officers and Departed Life Members
Present and former Honorary Life Members
The 5 Organizations that Beaumaris Conservation Society Inc. is a member of, and our nominated representatives:
Environmental Justice Australia | Geoffrey Goode |
Marine Care Ricketts Point Inc. | Caroline Lawton |
Port Phillip Conservation Council Inc. | Elouise Dunn Janice Huggard |
Protectors of Public Land Victoria Inc | VACANT |
Bayside Earth Sciences Society Inc. (BESS Inc.) | VACANT |