Threats to Root Systems of Significant Indigenous Trees in Beaumaris
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The healthy River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) above, at the rear of 23 Hardinge Street, Beaumaris, has not been under threat from its owners.
There was, however, concern that intensive development or disturbance of soil on the adjoining lot to the west, shown partly in the
August 2007 photograph above, could harm it.
Fortunately, 5 years later, as the photo in the preceding hyperlink shows, that large River Red Gum at the rear of the property still appears to be healthy.
Hardinge and Anita Streets in Beaumaris are noted for their fine remaining River Red Gums,
in a low-lying, wet area.

This healthy conspicuous Coast Banksia (Banksia integrifolia)
at 29 Beach Road is listed on Bayside City Council’s Significant Tree Register.
Its large root system led Council to refuse an application for the front-most dwelling of 3 proposed on this site in 2007. See 1936 and 1951 photos.
A 2010 application for a single structure comprising six dwellings with a basement whose plan area would cover 61% of the site area, and greatly reduce the soil moisture bank for the tree was refused by unanimous vote of all 7 Bayside councillors.
A 2012 VCAT order overrode the Council refusal, but its Lines 23-25 mentioned the Coast Banksia. The
house was demolished in early 2013.