Oblique view of Beaumaris approaching it from Mentone, at 450 metres height, in 1999
Oblique view of the Beaumaris Cliff, which is now on the Register of the National Estate
Oblique views of the BEAUMARIS COASTLINE from 170 m height
Vertical view of Donald MacDonald Reserve and its environs, in the 1970s. Use up to 400% magnification to zoom in to see more detail.
Vertical view of north central Beaumaris, December 1963 – zoom in at 400%. North Concourse and Railway Reserve on Gareth Avenue are still uncleared.
Vertical view of Beaumaris from 4,000 metres, in January 1951 – use up to 400% magnification to zoom in to see your street or reserve as it was then.
Aerial view of Beaumaris: Click on the photograph to zoom in. See also a comparison of 1945 to today.
Colour photographs and details of each of the 193 Beach Park signs – showing the effect each has on its setting – alongside Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary
Mussel Farm in Beaumaris Bay when it was limited to 6 hectares, and before it was allowed to extend to 24 hectares (60 acres)
Slideshow of views of Beach Park from Beach Road between Charman Road and Cromer Road
Views of Holding Street and High Street, Beaumaris, just before they were constructed in 1966, and as they were in 2007.
Views in the late 1960s of South Concourse, Beaumaris High School, and near 92 Haldane Street, can be seen on Richard Felstead’s Web site accessible here.
View of 22Anita Street, Beaumaris, which also appeared on the front page of ‘Home Beautiful‘. Its architect was the late Lindsay Bunnett, who was also a member of Beaumaris Conservation Society Inc.
‘Early Morning Beaumaris’ – a Clarice
Beckett painting, overlooking BeaumarisBay from Bodley Street, and link to a 1950 photograph of the nearby Beaumaris Hotel
Watkins Bay from the Dalgetty Road end, which looks little different today. See also other historical photos of Beaumaris on the State Library of Victoria Web site
c. 1880
Zoomable high resolution photo of BeaumarisBay from near Keys Street, looking north-east, to the Beaumaris Cliff
photo of the world at night. Enlarge it by a click on the icon on its bottom right corner, to see the extent of urban light pollution of the night sky.