2005 Records
Click here for results of Bayside Council elections. BCS Inc. congratulates Cr Derek Wilson, whom BCS Inc. supported, on his re-election for Ebden Ward, and John Knight on his election for Moysey Ward. We especially thank Robyn Browne, whom we supported in Moysey Ward, for her much-appreciated work in running a good campaign with a sound environmental focus. In the other 7 wards, good candidates were elected in each ward.
BCS INC BULLETIN: November 2005 Issue of the Beaumaris Conservation Society Bulletin – Special Council Election Issue
BCS INC. OFFICER ON SKATEBOARD CONSULTATIVE GROUP: BCS Inc. has nominated its Secretary, Ron Morris, to join Bayside Council’s skateboard consultative group.
INCURSION INTO RICKETTS POINT LANDSIDE REJECTED: The 2005 Annual General Meeting of BCS Inc. heard that the Minister for Environment has refused consent to this.
Committee of Management elects Mr Christopher Sutton to fill casual vacancy in the position of the Zone Leader for Zone 2 caused by the resignation of Ms Kathleen Kiernan.
Minutes of the 53rd Annual General Meeting of the Beaumaris Conservation Society, in 2005
BAYSIDE COUNCIL SEEKS A NEW SITE FOR A BEAUMARIS SKATEBOARD RAMP: Council abandoned its earlier 3 sites and now seeks another site.
PUBLIC MEETING ON THE 3 SKATEBOARD SITES: A group of Beaumaris residents have held a Public Meeting on 1st September 2005 to form a Working Group on this issue.
BEAUMARIS CLIFF SHAVED: Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron has shaved off part of the Beaumaris Cliff to prevent rock falls to its car park, with “emergency” consent.
BAYSIDE CITY COUNCIL FOOTPATH TRADING POLICY: BCS Inc. letter drawing attention to certain retrograde changes being proposed for adoption in staff report.
WATER FOR 2 BEAUMARIS WETLANDS: Item 5.4 of the Bayside Council agenda is for the petition of 203 people seeking drainage changes to restore water to these wetlands.
BCS INC. JOINS MARINE CARE RICKETTS POINT INC: BCS Inc. shows its support for the future of the Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary by joining MCRP Inc.
JULY 2005
RICKETTS POINT LANDSIDE: BCS Inc. objects to Bayside City Council issuing itself a permit to remove vegetation in Vegetation Protection Overlay VP01 on the Landside Crown Land Reserve to construct 16 car parking spaces.
JUNE 2005
BEAUMARIS HOTEL: Bayside Council rejects proposal for redevelopment & Planning Scheme height amendment by 8-1 vote (Minutes 20 June 2005, Item 127)
SURVEY OF 3 SKATE BOARD SITES: BCS Inc. Executive calls for participation by members and residents in responding, by 24th June 2005, to Bayside Council’s survey.
BCS Inc. member notices 16 pink survey markers on clifftop walking track from Cromer Road to Charman Road: Concern about pressure to convert this to a bicycle road
Yellow Planning Application notices for 16 dwellings plus underground car park on Hotel Car Park site on east of Bodley Street, and also on Keefers Factory site in Martin Street.
Petition of 1,140 people against siting a skateboard ramp on the Concourse Green: Item 5.3 in Minutes of Bayside Council’s meeting on 14th February 2005.
Click here to visit the Web site of Port Phillip Conservation Council Inc.